The Explosion of Alderaan: Whose Fault?

So guys I just watched the original version of the 1977 Star Wars movie and I have to say, this is another one of those movies where you have to go watch right now if you haven’t. Anyways, I was watching Darth Vader, the guy in the black mask and black clothes, and just from all the black, you can automatically assume that he’s not a nice guy. I mean, did he really have to blow up that planet, Alderaan, using the Death Star? Let’s think about it.

Image result for the explosion of alderaan

So I know that you might think that Darth Vader was really evil for destroying Alderaan. Listen, I agree that Darth Vader is super duper evil, but I don’t think this was his fault. The reason is: it wasn’t Darth Vader’s fault, it was Tarkin’s!

Image result for tarkin

The person in control of the Death Star, the giant super-deadly-machine-planet-thing, was Wilhuff Tarkin. He was the one who ordered Darth Vader to blow up Alderaan. Why? Just to showcase the power of the Death Star. I mean, if you think about it, this is really messed up because blowing up an entire planet means literally killing everyone and everything on it too. What if Earth exploded just so someone could show off their big laser thing? I know I’d be pretty upset.

But don’t get me wrong- I still think Darth Vader is evil. After all, even after hearing this ridiculous request to blow up another planet, the fact the Darth Vader just went through with it makes it not okay. On the other hand, however, if I was Darth Vader, I’m not so sure that I would’ve stood up to my commander either. What do you guys think? Whose fault was it that Alderaan was blown up? Make sure to leave your answer in the comments!


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